Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Saving the planet

We're now three or four weeks into Cardiff City Council's "wheelie bins for all" recycling scheme.

I must say my initial thoughts about all this were wrong. The wheelie bins aren't such an impostion after all. But then we do have the space to house them. I'm still not sure how well this will work in parts of Cardiff where there are minimal or no front gardens.

What is interesting is the change this has inflicted on the Atkins household. There are now three bins in the kitchen. A big one (new, smart, £79 from Habitat) for 'recyclables' by the kitchen door, a small one for 'landfill' under the sink (allways there, just never used) and a bucket in the broom cupboard for 'compostibles' (or is that 'ables'?), ie cardboard .

This week - this morning - was a 'recyclable' collection day. Outside the property (seven households have a common front onto the street) was a vast pile of green bags full of recyclables and two nearly empty wheelie bins for landfill.

It's been thus ever since the scheme started. Next week the green wheelie bin crammed full of garden waste will take its place along side the nearly empty black landfill bin.

Is this problem solved? Or are we rather odd people?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've just found this googling for images of Cardiff wheelie bins...

We've had no trouble with the scheme until today, when someone stole our green bin, and at least one more from the next block, from outside our flat in Llanrumney! We're sad about this, more so because they deemed our composting waste beneath their notice and emptied it all into the big landfill bin. Sigh...